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Friday, January 2, 2015

Photograph of a Field (Digital Paint with Photoshop CS6)

Decided to create something of my own today using digital painting techniques. I began by laying out a scene of a field and detailing some clouds in the sky:

As you can see here, it is a little blurry/out of focus, so I decided to take that to my advantage and output some creativity. I decided to put a camera in the foreground, in focus, to take away from the overall image, while adding a new element.

I painted it on a separate layer:
I made sure to make the camera more detailed than the background landscape, so that the illusion of depth could be created.

When put together, we get:

After that, I scaled down a copy of the first layer to put on the camera's screen, added some shadows using the brush tool, and made the lighting upon the camera more natural. I created a hand to accompany the camera, then I added a few birds in the air, and changed the hue/saturation of the entire painting slightly to yellow the picture a little. All of this was painted using a Wacom Intuos Small and Photoshop CS6

Final result:

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