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Monday, December 2, 2013

Drawing a City Riverline

Here is a progression of photos of a piece that I drew a few weeks ago.

As you can see here, I have mapped out the concept of this city in a B pencil, and I have began to ink in my illustration. For this illustration I used a Sakura Micron Pen with the 01 and 05 thickness. I begin to ink in the bridge, which could be considered the darkest portion of the drawing, but also presents a horizon line for reference.

I continue to add more and more details to my illustration, primarily using the 01 thickness to outline small details.

I was not happy with how my first building turned out, and I promised myself to improve on the way I outlined the buildings.

As the initial outline drew to a close, I felt more and more happy with my result. The buildings (other than the first) looked complex, but not cluttered, and the senses of perspective fit nicely into the cityscape. I would begin to start adding tone and senses of light and shadow next.

So in the final step, I took my 05 in accordance to my 01 and began to crosshatch until the completion.

Although this was one of my favorite pieces, it isn't for sale because I framed it and gave it to my father. I hope he enjoys looking at it as much as I did making it.

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